How to Build a Strong Company Culture

In our nanny agency community, Arise, we constantly discuss company culture and how important it is to weave your values into everything you do.

Of course, our blogs often discuss company culture as well. In the past two blogs, we explained the critical role company culture plays when trying to attract top talent. Then, at the other end of the spectrum, we addressed the importance of leading with your values when terminating with kindness.

So, what does company culture really mean anyway? Company culture is the experience that you as a business create for everyone who partners with you professionally.

So, how do you define (and market) your nanny agency’s values to establish and reflect the unspoken essence of your organization? Keep reading to find out!

The experts agree.

Many studies (like this one) indicate that a stronger company culture increases morale. However, did you know it also improves productivity, employee acquisition and retention, client perception and attrition, and brand strength? And not just by a little bit. 

That’s why we want to strip away the buzzwords to give you a foolproof blueprint to build a strong company culture that accurately shows the world your nanny agency’s heart and soul.

Define your values.

Think of your values as your North Star; no matter how dark and uncertain things may become, your values always steer you in the right direction.

To discover your core values, think about what you and your company stand for–the principles that guide the actions and decisions you make.

Here at MMC, we proudly display our six core values front and center on our website: community, growth, gratitude, generosity, independence, and authenticity.

Nurture a strong company culture and maintain long-term momentum.

1) Celebrate diversity in all its forms—different backgrounds, perspectives, and talents—which paves the path to the most creative solutions. One idea could be incorporating inclusion in your values and posting and framing them throughout your office.

2) Cultivate a growth mindset where everyone works in the sales department. Incentivize client acquisition, expansion, and retention with contests and bonuses. An example of this could be team members who refer new business or another talented employee to your agency “earn” a paid Friday off.

3) Provide opportunities for professional development. These could be workshops, mentorship programs, online courses, trade shows, or simply making space for your team to explore new skills or give back to the community. A great way to incorporate this could be an annual volunteer day with pay.

4) Encourage an environment where everyone feels like their ideas can flow freely and where their opinions are valued, respected, and heard. But also, somewhere that it’s “okay” to make mistakes provided you learn from them and continuously strive for improvement. Instead of having a swear jar, you could use an interruption jar and buy donuts or a heart-shaped cake when it’s full.

5) Make communication easy with you and between collaborators. Whether it's through an open-door office policy, regular team meetings, or a discreet suggestion box. One way to do this could be a 15-minute staff check-in meeting every Thursday at 9:00am where everyone has to share one challenge and one win from the week.

6) Have fun together. True bonding happens when individuals feel safe enough to break out of their shells. Typically, that occurs outside of the office at a social work function. You could even take an extended in-house lunch and order pizza for a themed dress-up day or an office karaoke session.

7) Recognize and reward accomplishments, both big and small. Everyone loves to be recognized for their accomplishments every now and then. Acknowledge the hard work and achievements of your team members to let them know that their efforts don't go unnoticed. You could do a shoutout in the company newsletter, a small gift card, or simply a heartfelt “thank you” note.

8) Lead by example. As the nanny agency’s owner, you set the tone by embodying the values and behaviors you want to see in your team. Show your team that you're not just their boss, but their ally by being genuine, transparent, and approachable. One way of doing this is to make corporate donations to organizations that share your values.

Now you’re ready to spread your company culture like multicolored confetti and shout your values from the rooftops. Or, as we like to call it in the modern era: MARKETING! And if you need help with that, we’ve got you covered!

We make marketing simple in this $59 online course. You’ll be sending off emails that people can’t wait to read in no time. 

"When I found Megan, I was a young new mother, a full-time new agency owner, and a full-time wife... Megan Metzger Consulting was and is, hands down the best decision you could make for your agency... I have found such a wonderful community and support here at MMC. Megan is a pool of knowledge. She knows the industry and is truly dedicated to her clients. Thank you, Megan, for all you are bringing to our industry, for the support you give, and for the community you are connecting." - Abbey George, Sandhills Nanny Co.


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